Phoneme Spotters/ Phoneme Finders

These sheets provide students with the opportunity to put new knowledge into practice. They provide a highly targeted approach, allowing the process of decoding to be simplified. Initially, children are simply looking for a target spelling pattern as they highlight it. Next, they are looking at how that fits into the wider word structure, as they sound button the word. Finally, they read the word. The target can be changed to match the focus of the child and the difficulty of the task. We often do the first half of the page, and then return sometime later to complete it as a consolidation exercise.

Consonant Digraph Phoneme Finders

phoneme spotter - SH and CH 1.png

sh and ch words

phoneme spotter - SH, CH, TH, NG 1.png

sh, ch, th, ng words

Phoneme Spotter - Doubled Consonants1.png

doubled consonants

phoneme spotter - Split Digraphs1.png

split digraph words

Soft Sound Phoneme Finders

Soft C and G

Soft C and G


Long Vowel Phoneme Finders

Phoneme Spotter - Long EE1.png

short e and long ee words

phoneme spotter - Long U.png

long u words

phoneme spotter - Long A.png

long a words

phoneme spotter - Long O.png

long o words

phoneme spotter - Long E.png

long e words

long and short oo words

phoneme spotter - Long I.png

long i words

phoneme spotter OU- .png

ou and ow words

R- Controlled Vowel Phoneme Finders

phoneme spotter - OI and OY.png

oi and oy words

er, ur and ir words

or and ar words

phoneme spotter - r-controlled AR, ARE, AIR1.png

ar, air and are words

phoneme spotter - r-controlled ER, ERE, EAR1.png

er, ere, and ear words